# Run Text Generation WebUI on Intel GPU The [oobabooga/text-generation-webui](https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui) provides a user friendly GUI for anyone to run LLM locally; by porting it to [`ipex-llm`](https://github.com/intel-analytics/ipex-llm), users can now easily run LLM in [Text Generation WebUI](https://github.com/intel-analytics/text-generation-webui) on Intel **GPU** *(e.g., local PC with iGPU, discrete GPU such as Arc, Flex and Max)*. See the demo of running LLaMA2-7B on an Intel Core Ultra laptop below. ## Quickstart This quickstart guide walks you through setting up and using the [Text Generation WebUI](https://github.com/intel-analytics/text-generation-webui) with `ipex-llm`. A preview of the WebUI in action is shown below: ### 1 Install IPEX-LLM To use the WebUI, first ensure that IPEX-LLM is installed. Follow the instructions on the [IPEX-LLM Installation Quickstart for Windows with Intel GPU](install_windows_gpu.html). **After the installation, you should have created a conda environment, named `llm` for instance, for running `ipex-llm` applications.** ### 2 Install the WebUI #### Download the WebUI Download the `text-generation-webui` with IPEX-LLM integrations from [this link](https://github.com/intel-analytics/text-generation-webui/archive/refs/heads/ipex-llm.zip). Unzip the content into a directory, e.g.,`C:\text-generation-webui`. #### Install Dependencies Open **Anaconda Prompt** and activate the conda environment you have created in [section 1](#1-install-ipex-llm), e.g., `llm`. ``` conda activate llm ``` Then, change to the directory of WebUI (e.g.,`C:\text-generation-webui`) and install the necessary dependencies: ```cmd cd C:\text-generation-webui pip install -r requirements_cpu_only.txt pip install -r extensions/openai/requirements.txt ``` ```eval_rst .. note:: `extensions/openai/requirements.txt` is for API service. If you don't need the API service, you can omit this command. ``` ### 3 Start the WebUI Server #### Set Environment Variables Configure oneAPI variables by running the following command in **Anaconda Prompt**: ```eval_rst .. note:: For more details about runtime configurations, refer to `this guide `_ ``` ```cmd set SYCL_CACHE_PERSISTENT=1 ``` If you're running on iGPU, set additional environment variables by running the following commands: ```cmd set BIGDL_LLM_XMX_DISABLED=1 ``` #### Launch the Server In **Anaconda Prompt** with the conda environment `llm` activated, navigate to the `text-generation-webui` folder and execute the following commands (You can optionally lanch the server with or without the API service): ##### without API service ```cmd python server.py --load-in-4bit ``` ##### with API service ``` python server.py --load-in-4bit --api --api-port 5000 --listen ``` ```eval_rst .. note:: with ``--load-in-4bit`` option, the models will be optimized and run at 4-bit precision. For configuration for other formats and precisions, refer to `this link `_ ``` ```eval_rst .. note:: The API service allows user to access models using OpenAI-compatible API. For usage examples, refer to [this link](https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui/wiki/12-%E2%80%90-OpenAI-API#examples) ``` ```eval_rst .. note:: The API server will by default use port ``5000``. To change the port, use ``--api-port 1234`` in the command above. You can also specify using SSL or API Key in the command. Please see `this guide `_ for the full list of arguments. ``` #### Access the WebUI Upon successful launch, URLs to access the WebUI will be displayed in the terminal as shown below. Open the provided local URL in your browser to interact with the WebUI. ### 4. Using the WebUI #### Model Download Place Huggingface models in `C:\text-generation-webui\models` by either copying locally or downloading via the WebUI. To download, navigate to the **Model** tab, enter the model's huggingface id (for instance, `microsoft/phi-1_5`) in the **Download model or LoRA** section, and click **Download**, as illustrated below. After copying or downloading the models, click on the blue **refresh** button to update the **Model** drop-down menu. Then, choose your desired model from the newly updated list. #### Load Model Default settings are recommended for most users. Click **Load** to activate the model. Address any errors by installing missing packages as prompted, and ensure compatibility with your version of the transformers package. Refer to [troubleshooting section](#troubleshooting) for more details. If everything goes well, you will get a message as shown below. ```eval_rst .. note:: Model loading might take a few minutes as it includes a **warm-up** phase. This `warm-up` step is used to improve the speed of subsequent model uses. ``` #### Chat with the Model In the **Chat** tab, start new conversations with **New chat**. Enter prompts into the textbox at the bottom and press the **Generate** button to receive responses. #### Exit the WebUI To shut down the WebUI server, use **Ctrl+C** in the **Anaconda Prompt** terminal where the WebUI Server is runing, then close your browser tab. ### 5. Advanced Usage #### Using Instruct mode Instruction-following models are models that are fine-tuned with specific prompt formats. For these models, you should ideally use the `instruct` chat mode. Under this mode, the model receives user prompts that are formatted according to prompt formats it was trained with. To use `instruct` chat mode, select `chat` tab, scroll down the page, and then select `instruct` under `Mode`. When a model is loaded, its corresponding instruction template, which contains prompt formatting, is automatically loaded. If chat responses are poor, the loaded instruction template might be incorrect. In this case, go to `Parameters` tab and then `Instruction template` tab. You can verify and edit the loaded instruction template in the `Instruction template` field. You can also manually select an instruction template from `Saved instruction templates` and click `load` to load it into `Instruction template`. You can add custom template files to this list in `/instruction-templates/` [folder](https://github.com/intel-analytics/text-generation-webui/tree/ipex-llm/instruction-templates). #### Tested models We have tested the following models with `ipex-llm` using Text Generation WebUI. | Model | Notes | |-------|-------| | llama-2-7b-chat-hf | | | chatglm3-6b | Manually load ChatGLM3 template for Instruct chat mode | | Mistral-7B-v0.1 | | | qwen-7B-Chat | | ### Troubleshooting ### Potentially slower first response The first response to user prompt might be slower than expected, with delays of up to several minutes before the response is generated. This delay occurs because the GPU kernels require compilation and initialization, which varies across different GPU types. #### Missing Required Dependencies During model loading, you may encounter an **ImportError** like `ImportError: This modeling file requires the following packages that were not found in your environment`. This indicates certain packages required by the model are absent from your environment. Detailed instructions for installing these necessary packages can be found at the bottom of the error messages. Take the following steps to fix these errors: - Exit the WebUI Server by pressing **Ctrl+C** in the **Anaconda Prompt** terminal. - Install the missing pip packages as specified in the error message - Restart the WebUI Server. If there are still errors on missing packages, repeat the installation process for any additional required packages. #### Compatiblity issues If you encounter **AttributeError** errors like `AttributeError: 'BaichuanTokenizer' object has no attribute 'sp_model'`, it may be due to some models being incompatible with the current version of the transformers package because the models are outdated. In such instances, using a more recent model is recommended.